Date: Saturday August 3, 2024 from 10:00 am to 1:30pm
Preliminary Agenda
10:00 AM Business Meeting
11:00 AM The 2025 NAP Biennial Convention. Presenters: Alison Wallis PRP, President, National Association of Parliamentarians, Kathleen Carter, RP, 2025 NAP Biennial Convention Coordinator
11:30 AM Snow White and the Seven (Mischievous) Motions. Presenter: David Mezzera, PRP
12:30 PM “Shall,” “May,” “Must,” and “Should” – Fun with Auxiliary Verbs!. Presenter: Kirby Glad, PRP
Workshop #1
The 2025 NAP Biennial Convention.
Presenters: Alison Wallis, PRP, Kathleen Carter, RP
Alison Wallis, PRP, an attorney and a professional parliamentarian, offers numerous parliamentary services for a diverse group of clients. She is an expert in both Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) and The American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (AIPSC). She has served as parliamentarian for clients including nonprofit entities, labor unions, lineage societies, religious groups, political parties, and professional associations. She presents frequently on parliamentary law to clients, the general public, and fellow parliamentarians.
Kathleen Carter, RP, is the NAP 2025 Biennial Convention Coordinator. (Photo not available.)
Workshop #2
Snow White and the Seven (Mischievous) Motions.
Presenter: David Mezzera, PRP
David Mezzera, PRP, is the Northern Area Director, California State Association of Parliamentarians. As a retired educator, David spends most of his professional parliamentary time working with groups (schools, churches, synagogues, civic clubs, boards, unions, etc.) in helping them improve their meeting management skills. He also helps groups review their current bylaws to determine if their governing documents could be revised and improved. Today’s topic (Snow White and the Seven (Mischievous) Motions was selected by vote of the ASAP membership from a variety of presentation options provided by David!
Workshop #3
“Shall,” “May,” “Must,” and “Should” – Fun with Auxiliary Verbs!
Presenter: Kirby Glad, PRP
Kirby Glad, PRP, is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP), certified by the National Association of Parliamentarians. He is a recognized expert on Robert’s Rules of Order for conducting effective, orderly, and fair meetings. He has served as parliamentarian for conventions of over 1,400 people, and has personally chaired large meetings as well. In addition, he has over ten years of experience reviewing, writing, and interpreting the bylaws and governing documents of a variety of organizations, including seven years as a professional parliamentarian.